Introducing ExceptionGroup in Python 3.11: A Superhero Team for Bugs!

Deepak rkm
2 min readMay 15, 2023



Python is a programming language loved by many developers around the world. It has a special power that allows it to handle errors gracefully through the use of exceptions. And now, in the latest version of Python, 3.11, a new feature called ExceptionGroup has emerged, making handling multiple exceptions a breeze. Today, we’re going to learn about this powerful tool that helps our code fight bugs like a superhero team!

What is ExceptionGroup?

Imagine you have a team of superheroes, each with their own unique superpower. ExceptionGroup in Python 3.11 is just like that — a team of exceptional handlers ready to tackle different types of errors. It allows us to catch multiple exceptions in a single block of code, saving us time and effort. Let’s take a look at how it works!

Code Snippet 1: Basic ExceptionGroup Usage

# Some code that might raise exceptions
except ExceptionGroup as e:
for exception in e.exceptions:
print(f”Exception: {exception.__class__.__name__}”)
print(f”Error message: {exception}”)

In this code snippet, we use the try-except block to protect our code from potential errors. If any exception occurs within the try block, ExceptionGroup catches it. We can then access the list of exceptions using e.exceptions. This allows us to iterate over each individual exception and handle them accordingly.

Code Snippet 2: ExceptionGroup with Custom Exception Handling

class SuperPowerException(Exception):

class MagicException(Exception):

# Some code that might raise exceptions
except ExceptionGroup as e:
for exception in e.exceptions:
if isinstance(exception, SuperPowerException):
# Handle SuperPowerException
elif isinstance(exception, MagicException):
# Handle MagicException
# Handle other exceptions

In this code snippet, we define our own custom exceptions, SuperPowerException and MagicException. When an exception occurs, ExceptionGroup captures it, and we can use isinstance() to identify the type of exception and handle it accordingly. This gives us the power to customize our exception handling based on the specific type of error.

ExceptionGroup in Python 3.11 is a powerful tool that simplifies error handling by allowing us to catch multiple exceptions at once. With ExceptionGroup, our code can become a superhero team, ready to defeat bugs and keep our programs running smoothly.

So, let’s embrace the power of ExceptionGroup in Python 3.11 and unleash our coding superpowers! Happy coding, little superheroes!



Deepak rkm

proud to be pythonist and aspiring to be sre with AI skills