Deploy Django application to aws cloud in 25 steps in much simpler way

Deepak rkm
5 min readSep 15, 2019


AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, Go, and Docker on familiar servers such as Apache, Nginx, Passenger, and IIS.

Here ,We can try doing the deployment of the Django web application to Elastic bean stalk.

Rather beating around the bush lets jump on to series of steps to deploy Django Application.

The below steps will get the source of a Django Application from git and run in your local machine and then make necessary steps to deploy an application to Elastic bean Stalk and I am going to refer Elastic bean stalk as EBS for the rest of the article.

EBS is PaaS(Platform as a service) and I have tried my best to make it simple to avoid people getting confused with official doc.



  • Python 3.6 (
  • pip (Comes along with python installation)
  • virtualenv (pip install virtualenv)
  • awsebcli ( pip install awsebcli)
  • IAM user with Administrator Role.
  • Platform -windows


1.lets create a directory for our project.

> mkdir pylabz

2. Moving to Pylabz directory

> cd pylabz

3.cloning the django application

> git clone

4.Move the django project

> cd apollo

Now You must be able to see like this.

Now we will try to run the sourced application in your machine to ensure if the application is up and running.

5.Copy the path of above cloned application and paste in your cmd like

cd >path of the apollo application>

eg >cd C:\Users\sysadmin\pylabz\apollo

6.Run the django application using the command below

>python runserver

After running the above command you should be able to see like below

7.The application is served in local machine and you can access it through http://localhost:8000

Our application is up and running and Now lets deploy the locally running Django Application to EBS

8.Now we will set up the virtual environment named dexter-virt assuming that you are in windows

Use the below command

Assuming you are in path C://

>mkdir dexter

>cd dexter

> virtualenv %HOMEPATH%\dexter-virt

and you should see the output as below and now the Virtual environment is ready

9.Now we will activate the virtual Environment.

> %HOMEPATH%\dexter-virt\Scripts\activate

(dexter-virt) c:\dexter>

10. Now we will django inside the virtual environment using

> pip install django==2.1.1

doing so will install django and pytz

11.To verify after installation do the below

> (eb-virt)~$ pip freeze

will show django and pytz

12.Now we will paste the project Apollo which we have cloned from the git hub already in step 4 and doing so will look like below

13. Run pip freeze and save the output to a file named requirements.txt

Optional:Remove .git folder in this step

(dexter-virt) c:\dexter>pip freeze > requirements.txt

14.Create a new directory, called .ebextensions:

(dexter-virt) c:\dexter> mkdir .ebextensions

15 Inside .ebextensions create a file called django.config and paste the below content

WSGIPath: apollo/

and ensure the indentation exactly as below

**WSGI is WebServer Gateway interface — the file forwarding the request to application and EBS uses this file to start the application.

16.Now deactivate the environment

(dexter-virt) c:\dexter>deactivate


17. We have configured our project which encloses the application in a way that it can be deployed to EBS.Apparently the project is in state of deployable at this stage.

Note:Assuming you have done Pip install awsebcli as part of prerequisites.

18.Your Project directory should look like this now.

Directory of c:\dexter

09/15/2019 03:30 AM <DIR> .ebextensions

09/15/2019 03:20 AM <DIR> apollo

09/15/2019 03:20 AM <DIR> apollo4

09/14/2019 06:39 PM 40,960 db.sqlite3

09/14/2019 06:39 PM 826

09/14/2019 06:39 PM 40

09/15/2019 03:24 AM 29 requirements.txt

19.Now we need to create an EBS environment in our local machine to deploy our Application in EBS and the below will cre

c:\dexter>eb init -p python-3.6 dexter-application

Application dexter-application has been created.

20.Initialising the eb using the below commands

c:\dexter>eb init

Do you wish to continue with CodeCommit? (y/N) (default is n): n

Do you want to set up SSH for your instances?

(Y/n): n

21.create Django environment and will take some time

>c:\dexter>eb create dexter-env

22.Ensure to see the output of the command

c:\dexter>eb status

Environment details for: dexter-env

Application name: dexter-application

Region: us-west-2

Deployed Version: app-190915_065124

Environment ID: e-8e2vwjhtd2

Platform: arn:aws:elasticbeanstalk:us-west-2::platform/Python 3.6 running on 64bit Amazon Linux/2.9.2

Tier: WebServer-Standard-1.0


Updated: 2019–09–15 06:54:20.876000+00:00

Status: Ready

Health: Green

Stay with me we are almost done

23.Open the file inside folder apollo and find for the ALLOWED_HOSTS and add above) and save it.

24.Now finally

c:\dexter>eb deploy

Creating application version archive “app-190915_071354”.

Uploading dexter-application/ to S3. This may take a while.

Upload Complete.

2019–09–15 07:13:59 INFO Environment update is starting.

2019–09–15 07:14:03 INFO Deploying new version to instance(s).

2019–09–15 07:14:24 INFO New application version was deployed to running EC2 instances.

2019–09–15 07:14:24 INFO Environment update completed successfully.

25.You may check the application using

c:\dexter>eb open

the above will open the application like below

EBS Deployed django application

Finally we have deployed the application to EBS of Aws and You may see the status of application in console like the below

EBS console

Note: If you are using your personal account to learn Kindly ensure to terminate EC2 and EBS environment once after you try.

Happy Learning and you may motivate me by your claps.

Queries and Comments are welcome always.

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Deepak rkm

proud to be pythonist and aspiring to be sre with AI skills